Sunday, June 24, 2012

Final this week...

I can't believe that this Thursday will be our FINAL Home Study meeting!  It is so surreal to me, well to us actually. 

Our case worker met with our lead minister on Wednesday, and according to him it went well.  Those of you who know Bill, will appreciate the funny and sarcastic emails that we exchanged regarding this meeting.  I was very impressed about how prompt he was!

I have been working on our profile book and it has gone very smoothly so far.  So much will ride on this book created by us, printed from Snapfish.  This will be what potential birthparents will look through to decide on a plan for their baby. 

On the way up to PA we completed our preferences sheet.  This sheet will give birth counselors a "yes/no"  answer to issues and concerns and what type of child we are willing to accept into our family.  While I would love to just answer yes to get a child faster, I know that isn't in the plans that God has for us. 

He has already orchestrated so much on our journey and he has the perfect family picked out to complete our family!  I have to trust Him and his timing.  While on our trip, I saw the cutest wall hanging that I wanted to buy but the lettering wasn't very readable.  It said:  God dreams a bigger dream than you can dream for yourself.  I want that to be stamped, sealed, and etched in my heart now more than ever!!!

After this meeting Thursday, if our assessment is approved, we will be a waiting couple for a placement to be adoptive parents!!!!!!

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