Friday, January 20, 2012

first trimester

I am pretty sure that I have finished my first trimester of being paper pregnant. This next trimester is going to be H-U-G-E! We are starting the Home Study portion of this journey.

I found out today that we have been approved to begin our paperwork for our Home Study. Here are the words from our intake coordinator: "Hi Molli and Ty, you sure are approved, congratulations! I am working on putting your paperwork together right now, so I can get it in the mail today! I'm really looking forward to working with you both." She is so sweet, quick, and prompt.

When I opened the link for the "packet" she wasn't kidding that it will keep us busy til our meeting on March 9th. It contains 16 pages for each of us, and the questions aren't fill in the blank...but open-ended! YIKES!

I think we will need hand massages for each other on a regular basis :)

God has blessed us with such a smooth journey so far. Thank you SO much for all your prayers as I enter this trimester, which will be a long one~

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